48 hours later….
48 hours ago, I sat in this chair crying as I tried to put the weight of one small Latvian teenagers’ future into words.
48 hours ago, Davids was a lost boy, a boy who had been abandoned not only by his birth family years ago, but by a family who he believed had chosen him.
48 hours ago, his dreams of being the most important person to somebody, of being loved and treasured, became ashes, like paperdolls in the fire.
48 hours ago, Davids was weeks away from being homeless in the dead of the Latvian winter, his future bleak, frightening.
And now, 48 hours later
A family has stepped out in faith—having known of this boy’s existence for less than two days—and claimed him as their own.
48 hours ago, this family stepped out on the faith that God would provide $20,000 for them to adopt Davids.
And that’s where we come in…
Today we are celebrating, as well we should. But we can’t move on yet. There is work to be done! You see, if Davids’ family can’t raise the money…
the won’t be able to proceed…
and if they can’t proceed…
it will be over
for good.
Many of you who are reading this have already been part of Davids’ miracle—-by the way, how does that feel? How does it feel to know that one day you are going to be in Heaven and you’re going to look up and see this handsome brother-in-Christ who will say to you, “You prayed me a family!” How will it feel when Christ hands you a crown, and you see one particular sparkling jewel that’s there because you wept for this boy and prayed for him and helped bring him home? When you cast that crown at the feet of Jesus, rejoicing because of His mercy and might? Will there be yee-haw in Heaven? (That’s a hypothetical, y’all. Because if I’m there–and I will be—there’ll be some yee-haw. No, notHee-Haw; YEE-haw. That’s all I’m sayin’….)
Our work is not over. We still have much to do. But I think this is the fun part. I mean, the past 48 hours has been the cryin’ kind of work. Now comes the the part when all George Bailey’s friends come rushing in the house smiling and laughing and throwing their spare change on the table, singing Auld Lang Syne.
48 hours ago, I pledged to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the family who would come forward and answer God’s call. I know God is going to provide the $20,000 needed to rescue His precious son Davids. And I believe He is going to do it
So keep being a part of this miracle. Project Hopeful has set up a fund for tax-deductible donations toward Davids’ adoption. Donations of any amount will help get this boy home to a loving family. God will multiply every single dollar.
Should we make it fun? I like fun. Fun is so…well…fun, isn’t it? How about this: David would have been lost forever on his 16th birthday, so you could donate $16 dollars to commemorate his receiving the best 16th birthday present ever! His family committed to him less than 48 hours after his story was first shared, so you could contribute $48. And of course, if you are able to donate more to get this boy into his forever family, please don’t let my limited imagination hold you back!
But when it comes right down to it, if all you can spare is $5, then God will take your widow’s mite and multiply it. Whatever you can give, know that you are standing in the middle of a miracle, shoulder-to-shoulder with Davids’ new family. But please don’t keep on walking just because you think your gift is too small. It’s not.
How awesome would it be if— oh, I almost can’t type this, because it’s just too awesome to even think about— how awesome would it be if we had Davids’ adoption fund fully funded…
…within 48 hours?
Get in the middle of this miracle, bay-bee!
So…who’s with me?
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