Friday, November 6, 2009

Do You Ever Just Have "One of Those Days"?

Well yesterday was "One of Those Days."
At one point, all 3 of the kids were crying.
I wanted to cry too. Or hide, or take a nap.
I could have done with all three to be honest.
Days like this, it's comforting to know that Jesus died for us when we were not perfect, so I don't have to be pristine and polished and in-control all the time for him to love me. He is in control when it's smooth sailing, and when the storms are so bad you just want to throw up. And even if you did, he would still love you. He's right there holding your hand, and holding back your hair. That's love. That's Jesus.
Hey, that's a tagline! Don't steal it or I'll sue.
So in an attempt to cancel out all the doom and gloom that was my day, here is a little bit of sunshine in the form of Things Ethan Has Said This Week That Made Me Laugh. And some random pictures.

"Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep"
as told by Ethan
"Down the Linney, Down the Steeps
I play along my doggies
and the angels watch me spend the night
and keep a blessin's tight.

There are some deer that frequently graze in the field next to my dad's house.

Ethan calls them Trixie, Dixie and Debbie.

He calls lightbulbs "Lampbobs."

When I leave the house, he feels it's important to remind me to "Watch out for snakes!"

We like the movie 'Betime Stories', and Ethan likes the British guy's accent. He knows he can get a smile out of me by singing "Jumping up and down on the alligata, riding up and down in the elevata!" He says it when he knows he is about to get into trouble,and it invariably works so that I can't be angry with him, the little manipulata.

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