Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Heart FlashMobs

I do.
I think they're wonderful.

In honor of all my new friends, here is a short list of other things I like:

flannel sheets.
those tiny white pumpkins.
Herbal Essences Rose Hips Shampoo. I don't think they make it anymore though, :(
fried rice.
Violins. I wish I could play them.
Home decorating magazines (its all just wishful thinking-My house looks only slightly better than when I moved in 6 years ago)
season-appropriate candles.
hockey. Ice or roller.
Christmas trees.
shredded cheese.
word games and spelling.
grocery shopping.
Pride and Prejudice.who doesn't?
break dancing.unfortunately I have the rhythm of a paper sack.
tootsie rolls. but for some reason, they always remind me of halloween, which I dont like.
the state fair because its fun and it smells like cows.
that irridescent kind of glass-whats that called?
these pictures:


  1. just found your blog through your "like" list! i sooo want to try flannel sheets, every winter I freeze but my hubby likes it the way it is so this winter Im going to try and sneek in flannel sheets! :0) i love violins too btw!

  2. I love flash mobs too. I think it would be so funny to be stuck in the middle of one:)
