Monday, September 6, 2010

While I'm getting my photos edited from our weekend camping adventure and thinking of a special Happy Birthday to Me Post which you know you aren't going to want to miss, I wanted to share something from Linny's blog that is going on tomorrow.

She is calling it a Crazy Prayer Challenge, and she's asking adopting families to post about their current prayer needs. Then on Wednesday, she is calling for a time of prayer and fasting for the orphans of the world, and especially for James and Cheremi, a couple having an extremely difficult time with their adoption from Uganda.

Here is part of her post:

Do you have a prayer need for your adoption? Have things gone crazy while in the midst of your adoption? Has the enemy reared his ugly head against your family as you try to bring home an orphan? Are there obstacles you had not dreamed of?

This is the time to do a blog post and link it below. Your post will be asking bloggy friends, literally around the world, to pray on behalf of your family and your little one{s} you are trying to get home.

Here's the rules:

1. You must be in the midst of an adoption or starting the process.
2. You must write a post explaining the prayer need.
3. You must mention this Crazy Love Prayer Challenge in the post.

I almost feel bad posting, since I know what some of the other families are going through, and our biggest prayer request is only money.
We need $2650 to start our homestudy visits. We need $670 for the 1-600A application fee. That is a total of $3320. We are a month into the dossier process, which they say takes 4-6 months. There are appointments and government papers that need to be sent in and approved, and I am mailing our passport applications today. It takes 8-10 weeks for the homestudy report to be finalized, so we really need to get this going.
Our Yard Sale is set for this weekend. Thanks to many, many friends and family, our garage is busting at the seams with donations, and more are on the way.
Our need is $3320. It seems insurmountable, but then again, so did the $1500 we needed for the first part of the program fee a few weeks ago, and God moved that mountain.
I can't say I believe that it will all come from this sale, but we could knock out a pretty good chunk with His help and lots of prayers.
Check out Linny's post here and see what everyone else is praying for.
Check back tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday:Lakeside!


  1. Our chiropracter in H-ville is in the process of adopting from Ethiopia! They are going over next month (I think) to see him again and then get to bring him home around Christmas. Martha Shroeder?

  2. Thank you for linking your need...praying and fasting that God will provide each and every penny of your need - in ways that you never expected!!

  3. Came over from A Place Called Simplicity. I am fasting & praying for you today that God provides for all your needs.

  4. Praying and fasting today that God will provide every single penny for every single one of your adoption journey needs...He who promised is faithful...

  5. hang in there, money can come from very unexpected places! saying the rosary today for your prayer needs.

  6. Praying and fasting today, may the Lord provide every penny you need!



  7. Praying and fasting for you today! Eph 3:20 - We trust you Father b/c you are more than able to do all things beyond what we could imagine to ask! Please provide for this family so your glory will shine! (We had a garage sale for our homestudy fees - needed $3300 - God provided $3400) Praying extra hard for you this weekend!

  8. Praying and trusting with you for God to provide all your needs throughout this adoption.

  9. Praying for your adoption process! And fund raising! Our garage sale was a success bringing in $1000.

  10. Praying and fasting for you as you raise the funds to bring your little one home.

  11. Praying for your financial obstacles to be removed!

    In Christ,
    janet and gang

  12. Standing in the gap for you today through prayer and fasting!

  13. Fasting and prayer with you today....prayers for your yard sale profits to exceed your needs. God bless, Jennifer
